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Simulating the system time offset


An experiment that simulates the system time offset will be performed after specifying the offset.

CLI Command

  • blade create time travel -h


NameIntroductionTypeRequiredExample Value
offsetThe length of time offset.stringN-2h3m50s
disableNtpDisable synchronizing time automatically. Default value is ture.stringNtrue
timeoutRunning time(s).intN20


# Move the system time forward by 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
blade create time travel --offset 5m30s


Create the time offset:

  • Set the target time by the date -s command;
  • Disable synchronizing time automatically by the timedatectl set-ntp false command.

Destroy the time offset:

  • Enable synchronizing time automatically by the timedatectl set-ntp true command
  • Copy hardware time to system time by the hwclock --hctosys command.


Q: {"code":47000,"success":false,"error":"invalid offset parameter value: 100. time: missing unit in duration 100"}

A:Execution failed because the offset parameter without unit was invalid.