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2 posts tagged with "Maintainer"

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ChaosBlade is an open source chaos engineering project of Alibaba in 2019. It includes chaos engineering experimental tool chaosblade and chaos engineering platform chaosblade-box. It aims to help enterprises solve high-availability problems in the cloud-native process through chaos engineering. The experimental tool chaosblade supports 3 large system platforms, 4 programming language applications, involving more than 200 experimental scenarios and more than 3000 experimental parameters, which can finely control the scope of the experiment. The chaos engineering platform chaosblade-box supports the hosting of experimental tools. In addition to the hosted chaosblade, it also supports the Litmuschaos experimental tools. There are more than 40 registered companies, of which the ICBC, China Mobile, Xiaomi, and other companies have landed and used it.image.png

After nomination and discussion of all Maintainers, the community is pleased to announce, CHAO YUANNING(GitHub ID: @ID:Yuaninga ,CMCC · CMChaos Chaos Engineering Platform )Officially promoted to ChaosBlade Community Maintainer. In the past period of time, student Chao Yuanning actively and actively participated in the discussions and contributions of the ChaosBlade community. He not only participated in the improvement of the official website document construction, but also actively participated in the contribution of bug fixes and features of multiple modules, and submitted as many as 25 PRs involving chaosblade-operator, chaosblade-exec-os, and chaosblade-website. Meet the community's expectations for continued contributions to Reviewer. Congratulations Yuan Ning! For details, see promotion Maintainer pr Maintainer Certificate:

Message from the new Maintainer:

_I am honored to be promoted to ChaosBlade Community Maintainer. In the future, I will try my best to fulfill the responsibility of Maintainer and work together to build ChaosBlade. I firmly believe that ChaosBlade will be stronger with the joint efforts of everyone. Here you can exchange questions and answers, improve your skills and challenge technical difficulties. Whether you are a novice or a Daniel, as long as you have time, enthusiasm and willingness, you are welcome to join the community, participate in contributions and embrace ChaosBlade.

ChaosBlade has been adhering to the idea of open source since the project was launched. The current community development and ecological construction are inseparable from the joint construction of various enterprises and community students. At present, we are in a critical stage of development. The open source contribution team is actively recruiting contributors. We hope that more students will participate in our open source construction and participate in community construction and code contribution:

· 3 min read

ChaosBlade 是阿里巴巴 2019 年开源的混沌工程项目,包含混沌工程实验工具 ChaosBlade 和混沌工程平台 ChaosBlade-box,旨在通过混沌工程帮助企业解决云原生过程中高可用问题。实验工具 ChaosBlade 支持 3 大系统平台,4 种编程语言应用,共涉及 200 多的实验场景,3000 多个实验参数,可以精细化的控制实验范围。 混沌工程平台 ChaosBlade-Box 支持实验工具托管,除已托管 ChaosBlade 外,还支持 Litmuschaos 实验工具。已登记使用企业 40 多家,其中已在工商银行、中国移动、小米、京东等企业中落地使用。 image.png

经过全体 Maintainer 提名与讨论,社区很高兴地宣布,晁元宁(GitHub ID: @ID:Yuaninga ,中国移动磐基PaaS平台)正式晋升为 ChaosBlade 社区 Maintainer 。晁元宁同学在过去的一段时间,积极、活跃地参与到 ChaosBlade 社区讨论与贡献,不仅发表多篇文章,更是积极参与到多个 module 的 bug fix 和 feature 的贡献中来,提交了多达 25 个 PR,涉及 chaosblade-operator、chaosblade-exec-os 和 chaosblade-website 等多个项目中。满足社区对 Reviewer 持续贡献的期望。恭喜元宁! 具体可见其 Maintainer 的 promotion Maintainer pr Maintainer 证书:

新晋 Maintainer 寄语:

_很荣幸晋升为ChaosBlade社区Maintainer,在以后我将努力践行Maintainer贡献者职责,和大家一起共同建设ChaosBlade。我坚信在大家的共同努力下 ChaosBlade 一定会更加强大。这里可以交流答疑、可以提升技术、可以挑战技术难点,无论你是新手还是大牛,只要你有时间,有热情,有意愿,欢迎加入社区、参与贡献、拥抱 ChaosBlade ~~~
